Batman Character Encyclopedia Pdf Free Download

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The pictures are fantastic, and represent the high point of the book. It's fascinating simply to flick through and admire the art work. The details on each character are somewhat brief, and provide no more than an introductory outline. If you think about it, the book is about 200 pages in length - so one page per cha
This is a good looking hardback book, which provides details on some 200 characters associated with Batman ... from Superman, Alfred and Robin to the Joker, Harley Quinn and Penguin.The pictures are fantastic, and represent the high point of the book. It's fascinating simply to flick through and admire the art work. The details on each character are somewhat brief, and provide no more than an introductory outline. If you think about it, the book is about 200 pages in length - so one page per character (although some - like Batman himself - get more attention than others, as they're discussed on several pages).
Recommended for Batman fans of all ages - especially younger ones!

Batman Character Encyclopedia is a colorful visual encyclopedia with a full page spread for each entry. Each entry from Amygdala to Anthony Zucco has vital stats in a box: their real names, occupation, height, weight, their base of operations, their power and abilities, and the allies, enemies, and associations. Their entries are
Batman Character Encyclopedia is a visual encyclopedic reference book about the characters that appear in the Batman Universe compiled and written by Matthew K. Manning.Batman Character Encyclopedia is a colorful visual encyclopedia with a full page spread for each entry. Each entry from Amygdala to Anthony Zucco has vital stats in a box: their real names, occupation, height, weight, their base of operations, their power and abilities, and the allies, enemies, and associations. Their entries are short and to the point, giving one point in a separate box and a paragraph length of description with a quote from that character. The characters are grouped into four categories: Hero (Yellow), Allies (Green), Neutral (Red), and Rouge (Blue).
Aside from the encyclopedia and the entries itself, there is a detail index is rather helpful to find out how many times a character appears in the encyclopedia with their own entry bolded. The index becomes rather crucial as surprisingly enough the encyclopedia is not designed in alphabetical order, but order of importance more or less. It is starts off with Batman and ends with The Squid. How the Squid become the least important rouge is frankly unknown.
Manning had down a more than adequate job of collecting the extremely vast information on Batman, his contemporaries, allies, and rouges. It is far from exhaustive, but that would take volumes to do. Having said that I wished that the encyclopedia went more in depth – one paragraph is not enough to get to know the character – just their most basic of facts.
Additionally, the encyclopedia is based mainly on the rebooted version of the DC Universe. Only characters and groups that have yet to appear in the rebooted universe by time of publishing (2016) have their entries from the most recent pre-booted universe. For an example, Dick Grayson was still Agent 37, he is listed under as such, Cassandra Cain has yet appeared in the rebooted universe, and her entry was under Black Bat.
All in all, Batman Character Encyclopedia was wonderfully constructed and illustrated reference of many of the superheroes, super-villains, and teams that is associated with Batman.

I'm not sure if I would recommend this book as the best introduction to the Batfam/Batman characters. It's very grounded in the DC continuity from the New 52 onwards and sometimes even feels like a way to
A few weeks ago one of my colleagues brought this into work for me to borrow after we discovered our shared Batfam/superhero appreciation, so I could, in her words, occasionally flip through it. Being the super chill individual that I am, I finished it that evening and returned it the next day.I'm not sure if I would recommend this book as the best introduction to the Batfam/Batman characters. It's very grounded in the DC continuity from the New 52 onwards and sometimes even feels like a way to legitimise that continuity. I would have liked for this to have been a more comprehensive overview of the Batman characters. Just a few examples: Dick Grayson is mainly mentioned in his role as Agent 37, with small throwaway references to his time as Nightwing, Robin, and Batman; Barbara Gordon is Batgirl, with no mention whatsoever of Oracle; Cassandra Cain is Black Bat (small blessings that they didn't primarily list her as Orphan, I guess), no mention of her Batgirl run; Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, no references to her time as Robin or Batgirl; Helena Bertinelli is listed as Huntress (I was halfway convinced they were going to leave her out entirely considering how the New 52 has treated her), but her entry then focuses on her role as Headmistress in the Agent 37 universe, rather than her (in my opinion) much more iconic role as the Huntress anno Birds of Prey. Speaking of, the Birds of Prey entry was also…..disappointing.
The most interesting pages to me were the profiles on the Batman Inc. characters and those of the Batfam animals. I'm not still not over the fact that they all got official Ally badges on their pages. That's probably this encyclopedia's main strength: its visual layout. I liked how every entry often showed a character drawn in different art styles. Ironically, it gives a more comprehensive impression than the textual summaries and fun facts listed on the page, which mostly focused on the character's suit and gadgets. I did amuse myself a lot with discovering the characters' heights and one of the great discoveries was that apparently I'm only centimeters shorter than Dick Grayson. Less amusing were some of the weight-height ratios because really, DC? Maggie Sawyer needs to be 59 kg at 1m78 but James Gordon gets to be 76 kg 1m75?? I'm also convinced Manning has no clue what 59 kg actually looks like on a 1m78 frame.
I also liked seeing all the connections between the different characters, and how some of them would, for example, have Batman as a foe but Batwoman as an ally. Plus, I got a little emotional over how the Rogues seemed to be divided into foes of Bruce, Selina, Dick, and Barbara.
And lastly: Barbara being 2 centimeters taller than Dick. Yes.
On 200 pages every character from Batman universe you can think of is presented. One big and one smaller color photos of good quality, short info (real name, occupation, height and weight, base, allies, foes, powers and abilities), biogra
Few days ago I was thinking about some special gift for one young Batman fan. And then I stumble upon something that was absolutely perfect - „Batman Character Encyclopedia" made by Matthew K. Manning is kind of book any fan would like to have in own collection.On 200 pages every character from Batman universe you can think of is presented. One big and one smaller color photos of good quality, short info (real name, occupation, height and weight, base, allies, foes, powers and abilities), biography and some trivia can be found.
Though you should not expect lot of details, for the target audience of young schoolchildren the book is absolutely perfect – thick book of high quality, packed with wealth of information is the real eye candy. I managed to find great gift that I can highly recommend.
And of course I took some time to browse through it myself, before I wrapped it up.
I love that this is so detailed while still being geared to children. Each character has a full chart of vital information and a brief history of their origin. The numerous colorful illustrations make this bo
The description says that the characters are listed alphabetically, but that is not right. They are listed very randomly starting, of course, with Batman. It leads into his Bat family and their allies in Gotham City and spirals out to the villains from the most familiar to the most obscure.I love that this is so detailed while still being geared to children. Each character has a full chart of vital information and a brief history of their origin. The numerous colorful illustrations make this book a real winner for Batman fans of all ages.

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